Ciudad: Short stay | Español | English |
Flats Daily Rent is a company especializing in flats short rents of houses and apartments in Salamanca and Madrid. We are in Salamanca an Madrid at this moment. If you are interested in our project, please contact us. Our apartaments are full equiped.
You can rent a house in Salamanca in this pages with a total security,
We have our houses for rent in Salamanca in the center of the city. Also we have apartment in Salamanca for a cheap price.
We offer also a hight quality houses in Salamnca as apartments for students.
Our flats are located in Madrid,Salamanca y Alicante. You can contact us at the telephone +34-923-269497 or by e-mail: .[email protected]
Pisos en alquiler Salamanca |
Flats Daily Rent® Los mejores pisos en Salamanca centro.
Somos especialista en el alquiler de pisos y apartamentos.
O síganos en las redes sociales
© 2025 FlatsDailyRent®
Alquiler de pisos en Salamanca y Madrid.