Alquiler de pisos en Salamanca Alquiler pisos Salamanca Alquiler de pisos por días en Salamanca
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Flats Daily Rent®

How it works.

  1. Choose an apartment that best suits your needs.
  2. From page to the apartment check availability for the days you want. From the same page you can calculate the total amount of your stay and your reservation.
  3. The reserve represents 25% of the total amount that depends on the apartment and the length of stay. Payment is made through bank tranfer once you receive an e-mail confirming your reservation.
  4. After booking the apartment will receive a confirmation mail and all sorts of details on it.
  5. Days before your arrival we will contact you to plan your entry into the apartment reserved. One person Flats Daily Rent will be waiting.At that point you must pay the rest of your stay more a bond that will vary depending on the day agreed and you will be returned the day of your departure from the apartment.
  6. We will be at your disposal from the moment you arrive to help the keys and all kinds of information you need about the performance of equipment from the apartment, how to navigate through the city, or anything else that you can specify. You will also provide a phone number in case you have any questions or need our help.
  7. We also at the time of your farewell to return the deposit and collect the keys.
  8. Our goal is that your stay in our apartments to be as successful as possible and that we have in mind for future visits, you or your friends and family.
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Flats Daily Rent® Los mejores pisos en Salamanca centro.


T: +34 679 660813
+55 8421 4369

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Alquiler de pisos en Salamanca y Madrid.

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Páginas diseñadas por FloresSoft S.A.